Candidate No.1 - HANNAKE TALBOT
This is Hannake Talbot auditioning for the role of Caren Larson Lee in Scene 2.
Candidate No.2 - YUHWEN FOONG
This is YuhWen Foong auditioning for the role of Kelly Randall in Scene 4.
This is YuhWen Foong auditioning for the role of Caren Larson Lee in Scene 3.
Candidate No.3 - SARA TENG
This is Sara Teng auditioning for the role of Sharon Larson Lee in Scene 5.
Candidate No. 4 & 5 - HEMANRAJ & GRACE CHUA
These are Hemanraj & Grace Chua auditioning for thr roles of Kenneth Chandler, Judge Warren & Caren Larson Lee in Scene 3 & 5.
(This audition video won "FACEBOOK MOST POPULAR & BEST CHOICE" category.)
Candidate No. 5 & 6 - GRACE CHUA & JOANNA SOH
These are Grace Chua & Joanna Soh auditioning for the roles of Kelly Randall & Caren Larson Lee in Scene 4.
Candidate No.6 - JOANNA SOH
This is Joanna Soh auditioning for the role of Caren Larson Lee in Scene 2.
Candidate No. 7 - INTAN LIYANA
This is Intan Liyana auditioning for the role of Hospital Nurse in Scene 7.
Candidate No.8 & 9 - LOUIS TEO & JAY DELANCY
These are Louis Teo & Jay Delancy auditioning for the role of Toby Patrick Damson & Zack Anderson in Scene 6.
Candidate No.10 & 11 - AIDIRA & SHANICE SEE
These are Aidira & Shanice See auditioning for the role of Doctor A & B and Nurse B in Scene 4 & 7 respectively.
Candidate No. 9, 12 & 13 - JAY DELANCY, PARANEE & KAMAL REZUAN
These are Jay Delancy, Paranee & Kamal Rezuan auditioning for the role of Toby Patrick Damson, Judge Warren & Tour Guide in Scene 6, 5 & 4 respectively.
This audition video is my best choice for the actresses' looks & acting skills that fitted the requirement the characters of the story demands in this short film.
These video clips are created to show our warmth appreciation to those who had attended the audition for this short film production.
(Deleted Scenes - PART 1)
(Deleted Scenes - PART 2 & The Preparation)