Currently auditions are been conducted and the demand for the best candidates that have the quality that Director Rorne is looking for in this upcoming shortfilm production has made several notices of the Audition posted in Kakiseni being extended.
There are so many new talents and all have passion to act. However, it is not the passion to act that will make one succeed in this audition. It is the way one will look in camera and video. It's imperative that one must have a look that blends with the relevant character of the story so that the story will win the hearts of the audience when it is completed. However, from the bottom of my heart, I like to thank those who have shown deep interest for this project and may your undying passion brings you to the stars of freedom and wonderfulness by living and dedicating your lives on films.
...Director Rorne Tan (17.07.2009)
The last audition video had been posted here and in Facebook today. The final result for "FACEBOOK Most Popular and Best Choice Audition Video" will be announced in FACEBOOK by 7th August 2009. Now everyone, the cast and crew are preparing for the shoot. All are busy preparing and anxious about the upcoming first day of shooting the short film.
...Director Rorne Tan (03.08.2009)
It was 8th August 2009 yesterday where we had our first shooting of MUSIC BOX. We only managed to shoot two scenes and that took us one whole day since morning at 10.30 am, preparing, rehearsing and shooting. By the time we finished around 7pm, everyone were mentally tired and exhausted though we had done great acting with numerous hilarious hitches along the way. It was a moment that none of us will ever forget.
...Director Rorne Tan (09.08.2009)
The Audition Video between Hemanraj & Grace Chua won the "Facebook Most Popular & Best Choice" category. It was confirmed today. Congratulations to Heman & Grace Chua.
...Director Rorne Tan (11.08.2009)
Yuhwen and Ellisan will be singing together as duet for the second featured song in the short film. A song written by me and I called it "Why I Never Know?" Each time when I view the video of Yuhwen singing, it touches my heart so much and it brought me to another world. A past that I had long forgotten came into my mind again. Yuhwen's voice is incredible and she is giving life not just to her own character but to the very story itself. This song that I am contributing is a great song written by me many years ago. About the same time when my dear friend wrote his to his ex-wife. Since the lyrics in my song are suitable for this film, I have decided to dedicate this song to them and make it an ending credit song for the film in their honor. Something that will always make one to remember and know things that one didn't know before. A song of lost soul when memory is gone forever in one's life. Thanks for singing this song so well..... Yuhwen. You are a very exceptional person!
...Director Rorne Tan (25.08.2009)
Today is the day I will always remember. How the shooting ended. Though some scenes are difficult to finish due to circumstances beyond our control like wrong timing, clashes of shooting schedules & events, departmental non-approval & stuff but overall, in my heart I think something tells me it's complete and it's time for edit. Stay tuned! The short film is coming! Many thanks to the cast who had acted and my sincere apologies to those who are unable to act due to unfortunate circumstances. Nevertheless, I believe is their hearts in this project that counts whether one have acted or not. To the entire cast & crew, we are one and together in this project and I thank you. AGAIN LET THE EDIT BEGIN!
...Director Rorne Tan (08.10.2009)
The Edit is about 80% complete. Never thought by cutting out few scenes will make other scenes so great as it magnifies the emotional flow. Seeing less is giving more power to the mind. After having done the editing so far, I finally realised what a great contribution that the cast had given to this film. Thanks to Yuhwen, Joanna, Grace, Sara, Louis, Jay, Kamal & Zholl who made this film possible. Not to mention Ellisan for her great voice in singing the real song for the introduction of this film.
...Director Rorne Tan (21.11.2009)
After 25 days of editing day and night, finally the short film has been completed and will be ready for screening and submission to international film festivals around the globe. As I am typing this, the DVD has already found its way to USA to compete for short film category. Funny how time flies, from the day I first penned down the first page of MUSIC BOX and today when I am typing updates to inform my fans that the short film is finally completed. Much appreciation and credit goes to the cast and crew not to mention the wonderful and lovely singer for the original soundtrack of MUSIC BOX by Ellisan Tan. So if you have waited long enough and dying to watch this short film, the DVD version is available now. Just email me. Thanks for reading this blog and the story of MUSIC BOX. Take good care. Do watch out for the sequel called "MOON RIVER". It's a story of the aftermath of Caren Larson Lee's death where the story of Pamela Tanning's love for Toby in the past memories set in. So stay tuned again for Part 2 of "MUSIC BOX".